Friday, March 10, 2006

Updates from a Dormant Blog

My enthu for blogging has given away to laziness as usual. However this one is still fortunate to survive(?) so far, the others died with less than five posts. If you are interested in statistics, here are the numbers of posts I made in this blog –

September 30th + October - 10
November - 5
December - 5
January - 4
February – 0

Well, what kept me from posting is largely my laziness, somewhat the lack of a computer at home. After the office hours, I don’t feel like writing and when I am fresh again at home, I don’t get the electronic gadget I require to blog.

No more useless words, let’s get to the theme – the updates from my side

  1. Dipanjan tagged me to write about 8 different points of my perfect lover. That’s a lengthy question man! 8 points!! Essay-type question, you mean. I will answer soon. This tagging is a prime cause that I am back in the blogosphere.
  2. Me going home tomorrow evening by an Air Deccan flight. These low cost carriers are changing the way people travel in India.
  3. I have already applied and will apply to a few foreign universities for a PhD. I am waiting for a result. I haven’t thought beyond the applications. If I am not selected in any of them, I will have to rethink what I am going to do in the near future.
  4. We are practicing austerity because of bird flu, still no chicken in the menu.
  5. It rained for quite long yesterday bringing back the memories of last September. I want to leave Mumbai before the next monsoon. Mumbai in monsoons sux.
  6. Deep and Shashi, two of the people who work with me in the office, (it sounds odd to call them 'colleagues', it sounds so formal) met with a bike accident. They are okay now but things could have been worse, I think. Deep better take care next time.
  7. In office, we have got new projects. The old one is still on, but looks like the boss has lost interest in it.
That's all for now. I will be back with the tagging thing. Beware! I am going to tag 5 more!!