I should have made this post a week back; anyway, I will do it now. The 6th day of this month marked the anniversary of joining my first job. 6th June 2005, I had joined the company. I was happy to join.
The 8th day of this month marked the day of my first resignation. I am happier to leave. When I joined I didn’t expect the world, but definitely I expected more than what I got. I won’t whine about it all together again. But the work was a mess, no doubt.
Still there are things that I gained in this one year. Some of them I will treasure for the rest of my life –
- A new bunch of friends. I refuse to tag them with the rather serious sounding term of ‘colleagues’.
- A computer language called ‘Java’ which I knew existed but never learnt more than that it exists. (Don’t misinterpret it as declaring myself a Java expert; I am only much better off when compared to my earlier self.)
- A novel experience of sharing apartment with people. Being in a hostel or being at home is different. A tip here; don’t stay with too many people, don’t stay with too few. 2-3 is optimum I think.
- A city – Mumbai
- A blog -
- A website -
- An unexpected title of CS God. (CS = Counter Strike). Don’t laugh -:)
- An insight into how companies work. No elaboration will be entertained in this section.
- A piece of knowledge – communication skills are just too important for your work to neglect even if you are doing technical work.
- A new sense of enthusiasm for study. I think I am more motivated for a PhD than I was while leaving IIT.
what abt the pot-belly?(which was already there but has inflated?):P
no comments [:P} ... he he!!
@C-212 : The pot-belly is still the same size
CS god ho gaye aap.... gotta make chow to cut u back to size :P
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